Open Source Projects

AboutOpen Source Projects

Created by me


AlloyEditor (opens in a new tab) is a modern WYSIWYG editor built on top of CKEditor and React, and designed to create modern and gorgeous web content. Works on IE9+, Chrome, Firefox and Safari.

YUI3 Modules Explorer

YUI3 Modules Explorer (opens in a new tab) Parses JavaScript files using Esprima JavaScript parser and matches the used YUI classes to the required modules.

Used: Esprima, ECMAScript and YUI3 Platform: Node.js

AMD Loader

AMD Loader (opens in a new tab) Loads JavaScript modules written in AMD format. Supports combo URL and conditional loading. Used: NodeJS

ES6 Module Transpiler

ES6 Module Transpiler (opens in a new tab) Transpiles JavaScript Modules, written in ES6 module format to AMD Used: Recast, Esprima

Main contributions to Open Source Projects

SennaJS (opens in a new tab) Co-designed and co-developed the Framework with one more developer.

Contributions to YUI3 Gallery:

YUI3 Accordion (opens in a new tab) YUI3 Undo/Redo Framework (opens in a new tab) Used: ECMAScript and YUI3 Platform: All A-Grade browsers

BG Office

BG Office (opens in a new tab)